Orthotics in New York City If you’re experiencing pain in your feet, knees, legs, and/or back as a result of wearing shoes with little to no support, custom foot orthotics may be right for you!

Custom foot orthotics are designed to align the foot and ankle into the most anatomically efficient position. They look similar to insoles, but are biomedical appliances that are custom made to correct your specific foot imbalance. The plastic body of the custom orthotic helps to re-align the foot while you walk. We understand that everyone is different, which is why custom foot orthotics are made just for you.

For more information on custom foot orthotics or to schedule an appointment, please don’t hesitate to contact us today at (212) 545-9255!

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Welcome to our Q&A page on orthotics, featuring expert insights from Dr. Amnon Barnea, a highly skilled podiatrist serving patients in New York City. Dr. Barnea’s significant experience and unique expertise in foot and ankle bio-mechanics, including orthotic therapy, offers valuable insights into this specialized field. Let’s explore some frequently asked questions related to orthotics and learn from Dr. Amnon Barnea’s knowledge:

Q1: What are orthotics, and how do they work?
Dr. Amnon Barnea: Orthotics are custom-made shoe inserts or devices designed to support and align the feet properly. They can be tailored to address specific foot conditions, correct foot mechanics, and alleviate pain or discomfort. Orthotics work by redistributing pressure, stabilizing the foot, and improving the alignment of the lower limbs. They provide support where it is needed, helping to prevent or alleviate various foot and ankle problems.

Q2: Who can benefit from orthotics?
Dr. Amnon Barnea: Orthotics can benefit individuals of all ages who experience foot pain, discomfort, or have certain foot conditions. They are particularly helpful for individuals with flat feet, high arches, plantar fasciitis, bunions, hammertoes, and various other foot deformities. Orthotics can also be beneficial for athletes to improve foot function, prevent injuries, and enhance performance during physical activities.

Q3: How are orthotics prescribed and fitted?
Dr. Amnon Barnea: Orthotics are prescribed and fitted by a qualified podiatrist after a thorough evaluation of the patient’s foot structure, gait, and any existing foot conditions. During the evaluation, the podiatrist may use advanced technology, such as gait analysis or 3D scanning, to create a precise mold of the patient’s feet. This mold is then used to customize the orthotics to ensure a perfect fit and address the patient’s specific needs.

Q4: Are orthotics different from over-the-counter shoe inserts?
Dr. Amnon Barnea: Yes, orthotics are different from over-the-counter shoe inserts. While over-the-counter inserts may provide some cushioning or arch support, they are not customized to address individual foot conditions or biomechanical issues. Orthotics, on the other hand, are tailor-made for each patient based on their unique foot structure and specific foot health requirements. Custom orthotics offer more significant support, better correction of foot abnormalities, and are more effective in relieving foot pain and improving foot function.

Q5: Can orthotics be used for both treatment and prevention?
Dr. Amnon Barnea: Yes, orthotics can serve both treatment and prevention purposes. They can be used to treat existing foot conditions and alleviate pain or discomfort caused by various foot problems. Additionally, orthotics can also be used proactively to prevent the development of foot issues, especially for individuals with structural abnormalities or those at higher risk of foot-related injuries.

Q6: How long do orthotics last, and can they be transferred to different shoes?
Dr. Amnon Barnea: The lifespan of orthotics can vary depending on factors such as the patient’s activity level, weight, and the materials used in their construction. On average, custom orthotics can last anywhere from one to five years. They are designed to be easily transferred between different pairs of supportive shoes, allowing the patient to benefit from the orthotics’ support and comfort regardless of the footwear they choose to wear.
We hope these insights from Dr. Amnon Barnea have been informative. If you are experiencing foot pain, discomfort, or have specific foot concerns, please don’t hesitate to schedule an appointment at our New York City office. As an experienced podiatrist, I am dedicated to providing personalized care and effective solutions, including custom orthotics, to support your foot health and overall well-being.